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Gradle Manipulator @ Red Hat

Standardize Your Builds


Plugin Removal

GME supports removal of plugins prior to running the alignment phase. Note that plugin removal is only supported through use of the CLI. If the property -DpluginRemoval=<plugin-id>,.... is set, it will activate removal for the specified plugin. It will remove references to the plugin activation and the respective configuration block. The plugin-id value should be from the table below and may be a comma separated list. It will examine every *.gradle and *.gradle.kts in the repository.

The current supported list of plugins are:

Plugin ID Configuration Block Tasks
com.github.ben-manes.versions dependencyUpdates DependencyUpdatesTask
com.github.burrunan.s3-build-cache buildCache  
com.gradle.common-custom-user-data-gradle-plugin nexusPublishing  
gradle-enterprise gradleEnterprise  
com.gradle.enterprise gradleEnterprise  
com.gradle.common-custom-user-data-gradle-plugin nexusStaging closeRepository, releaseRepository, closeAndReleaseRepository
io.github.gradle-nexus.publish-plugin nexusPublishing publishToSonatype    
nebula.publish-verification nebulaPublishVerification  
signing signing  
net.vivin.gradle-semantic-build-versioning preRelease  

Note that this only supports direct removal of configuration blocks, not using any form of the task avoidance API For example:

if (isCiServer) {
    gradleEnterprise {
        buildScan {
            termsOfServiceUrl = ""
            termsOfServiceAgree = "yes"

The above will be removed leaving only the empty ‘if’ block.

Note that net.vivin.gradle-semantic-build-versioning should not be explicitly stated as it is handled implicitly when that plugin is processed - see below.

Tasks are also removed if they are mentioned within the build scripts. Note that it only removes simplistic single lines. Multiple line blocks with braces are not supported. e.g.

publish.finalizedBy closeAndReleaseRepository


Two special shortcuts are available to support removing collections of plugins:

REC is available from version 3.11

Gradle Semantic Build Versioning Plugin

This plugin (see here) provides support for automatic semantic versioning of builds based off git commit information.

GME supports handling this plugin through the CLI tool only. If this plugin is detected then GME will first establish the actual version via the printVersion command, inserting that into the Finally it will remove the plugin to ensure the version is kept static.

Dokka Plugin

Special handling has been included for the dokka plugin in order to inject the correct settings for earlier versions which did not respect proxy settings.

It is possible to disable this through the configuration key dokkaPlugin (default: true)

dokkaPlugin is available from version 3.9

Gradle Maven Publish Plugin

The gradle-maven-publish-plugin implicitly injects other plugins such as the signing and dokka plugins. In version 0.8.0 it injects 0.9.17 of the Dokka plugin. Currently GME is not able to change this injected version to 0.9.18 (unlike a directly included 0.9.17 version) and therefore this can lead to problems with the GME injected code. It is currently recommended that the version is changed from 0.8.0 to >= 0.9.0 which injects the dokka plugin at version 0.9.18.

Publish Plugin Hook

Certain project builds don’t apply the publish plugin directly (be it the legacy or current one); instead they implement their own ‘build plugin’ (e.g. within buildSrc) that itself then applies plugins. This can lead to the situation where this custom plugin is applied and actioned after the GME tooling plugin which therefore does not detect any publishing plugins. It is possible to list those custom plugins as ‘hooks’ that GME will detect, and attempt to customise the publishing again. It is a comma separated list with a single default entry of elasticsearch.esplugin.