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Gradle Manipulator @ Red Hat

Standardize Your Builds

Dependency Manipulation


GME can override a set of dependency versions using a remote REST endpoint as its input source. The tool uses the same code from PME and therefore supports a subset of the features from here

REST Endpoint

GME can prescan the project, collect up all used group:artifact:version and call a REST endpoint using the endpoint property restURL (provided from the Dependency Analysis tool here, versions >= 2.1, hereinafter referred to as DA), which will then return a list of possible new versions. Note that the URL should be the subset of the endpoint e.g.

GME will then call the following endpoints


in that order. By default GME will pass all the GAVs to the endpoint automatically sizing the data sent to DA according to the project size. Note that the initial split batches can also be configured manually via -DrestMaxSize=<...>. If that value is set to 0, then everything is sent without any auto-sizing. If the endpoint returns a 503 or 504 timeout the batch is automatically split into smaller chunks in an attempt to reduce load on the endpoint and the request retried. It will by default chunk down to size of 4 before aborting. This can be configured with -DrestMinSize=<...>.

A boolean flag restBrewPullActive flag switches on and off the version lookup in Brew and the default value is false. Switching it off might have positive effect on performance. Finally, the string identifier restMode indicates type of versions to lookup. By default it is empty. Modes are configurable in DA, so it is needed to check the DA config/consult with DA maintainers for the list of configured modes. Usual modes might be e.g.

with more to be added in the future. The lookup REST endpoint should follow:

Parameters Returns

    [ "brewPullActive": true, ]
    [ "mode": "MODE-ID", ]
        "groupId": "",
        "artifactId": "bar",
        "version": "1.0.0.Final"

        "groupId": "",
        "artifactId": "bar",
        "version": "1.0.0.Final",
        "bestMatchVersion": "1.0.0.Final-rebuild-2",
REST Timeouts and retries

In case of a 504 response from DA, by default the operations will be retried after a waiting period of 30 seconds. This value can be optionally configured with -DrestRetryDuration=<...>, expressed in seconds.

The underlying HTTP client library responsible for calling the REST endpoints is set by default with a socket timeout of 10 minutes, and a connection timeout of 30 seconds. The values can be optionally configured respectively with -DrestSocketTimeout=<...> and -DrestConnectionTimeout=<...>, expressed in seconds.

REST Headers

You can add custom HTTP headers to your REST calls by setting a property named restHeaders. HTTP headers must be comma-separated and each non-empty name-value pair must be colon-separated.

For example:


Disabling Dependency Manipulation

If the parameter -DdependencySource=NONE is set then this will disable communication with the REST source which effectively disables manipulation. Note that the version will still be changed - although, if there is no preexisting manipulation.json it will always get a -00001 suffix.

Exclusions and Overrides

NOTE : Previously dependencyExclusion was also available providing functionality that was also available via dependencyOverride. As of GME 3.3 this has been removed.

In a multi-module build it is considered good practice to coordinate dependency version among the modules using dependency management. In other words, if modules A and B both use dependency X, both modules should use the same version of dependency X. Therefore, the default behaviour of this extension is to use a single set of dependency versions applied to all modules.

It is possible to flexibly override or exclude a dependency globally or on a per module basis. The property starts with dependencyOverride. and has the following format:

gradle generateAlignmentMetadata -DdependencyOverride.[groupId]:[artifactId]@[moduleGroupId]:[moduleArtifactId]=[version] | ,+[group:artifact]...

Note: Multiple exclusions may be added using multiple instances of -DdependencyOverride....

Note Wildcards for artifactId are supported e.g.*@org.acme.subproject:*=1.0.0.rebuild-2

Global Version Override

Doing the following

gradle generateAlignmentMetadata -DdependencyOverride.junit:junit@*=4.10-rebuild-10

will, throughout the entire project (due to the wildcard), apply the explicit 4.10-rebuild-10 version to the junit:junit dependency.

Per-Module Version Override

However, there are certain cases where it is useful to use different versions of the same dependency in different modules. For example, if the project includes integration code for multiple versions of a particular API. In that case it is possible to apply a version override to a specific module of a multi-module build. For example to apply an explicit dependency override only to module B of project foo.

gradle generateAlignmentMetadata

Per-Module Prevention of Override

It is also possible to prevent overriding dependency versions on a per module basis:

gradle generateAlignmentMetadata -DdependencyOverride.[groupId]:[artifactId]@[moduleGroupId]:[moduleArtifactId]=

For example:

gradle generateAlignmentMetadata

Override Prevention with Wildcards

Likewise, you can prevent overriding a dependency version across the entire project using a wildcard:

gradle generateAlignmentMetadata -DdependencyOverride.[groupId]:[artifactId]@*=

For example:

gradle generateAlignmentMetadata -DdependencyOverride.junit:junit@*=

Or, you can prevent overriding a dependency version across the entire project where the groupId matches, using multiple wildcards:

gradle generateAlignmentMetadata -DdependencyOverride.[groupId]:*@*=

For example:

gradle generateAlignmentMetadata -DdependencyOverride.junit:*@*=

Per Module Override Prevention with Wildcards

Linking the two prior concepts it is also possible to prevent overriding using wildcards on a per-module basis e.g.

gradle generateAlignmentMetadata -DdependencyOverride.*:*

This will prevent any alignment within the

gradle generateAlignmentMetadata -DdependencyOverride.*:**=

This will prevent any alignment within and all sub-modules within that.

Direct/Transitive Dependencies

By default GME will only align direct dependencies and not transitive as well. There are scenarios - such as using the Shadow Plugin when creating a shaded jar that is may be desirable to align transitive as well. In that case set overrideTransitive=true. Note that by default it is implicitly set to false, but if the Shadow Plugin is detected and the user has not explicitly configured overrideTransitive then an exception will be thrown.

Gradle Lock Files

NOTE : Lock file handling has been significantly improved with GME 3.5.

Gradle lock files are supported in GME. The tool will update the lock files with the new aligned versions. A configuration option lenientLockMode (default: false) will also adjust any occurences of dependencyLocking { to add lockMode = LockMode.LENIENT if the option is set to true. This is useful to avoid some lock file issues after alignment.